Information pursuant to Art. 10 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” or “Partnership” or “Fund”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) qualifies as a financial product under Art. 9 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of November 27, 2019 on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (“Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” / “SFDR”). Article 9 funds have a sustainable investment objective with a strong ESG focus. GET Fund Management GmbH („GET Fund Management“ or the Manager) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) is the Management Company of GET.
The Manager and the Partnership disclose the following information pursuant to Art. 10 SFDR and to Art. 37 to 49 of the Commission delegated Regulation of April 6, 2022 supplementing with Regulatory technical standards (RTS).
A. Sustainability Risks
The Manager takes sustainability risks into account in its investment decision-making process. Sustainability risks mean environmental, social or governance events or conditions that, if they occur, could cause an actual or a potential material negative effect on the value of the investments.
The Manager addresses sustainability risks, as integral part of the risk analysis, in its investment decision-making process. To the extent that sustainability risks materialize, this may result in a significant reduction in the assets and thus have a strong negative impact on returns. Risks, such as advancing climate change and increasingly rapid social changes, may lead to negative impacts on the assets of the Fund or its portfolio companies. Regarding climate change (environment), there are actual physical risks (e.g., extreme weather events) as well as transition risks (e.g., costs of the energy transition). In the field of good corporate governance or in the social area, there are, for example, reputational risks or risks in connection with claims for damages. Political and regulatory measures in this context can lead to significant costs and reductions in assets.
The Manager ensures that the respective risks for each portfolio company are identified and assessed separately and prior to its investment. This is done by means of a standardized assessment sheet (with criteria on general approach to sustainability and on principle adverse impacts on environmental and social factors as well as a governance check) as part of the due diligence process. If a particularly high risk is identified or other warning signs are discovered, the Manager shall inform the team of the target company and shall find and apply appropriate mitigation measures. The Manager may in its sole discretion decide to make this investment. In such case, the Manager may in its sole discretion decide to apply appropriate mitigation measures. At all times, the Manager will apply the principle of proportionality taking due account of the strategic relevance of an investment, the maturity of the portfolio company as well as its transactional context.
However, despite the inclusion and consideration of sustainability risks in the investment processes of the Manager, it cannot be excluded that sustainability risks – which nevertheless materialize – will influence the value of the portfolio and thus the return of the Fund.
B. Principal adverse impact statement
Principal adverse impacts (PAIs) on sustainability factors at the level of the Manager will be taken into account as far as data is available.
Specific risks are associated with the check of the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors and the do-no-harm defined for the Fund as well as with the characteristics of a sustainable investment or the Triple Top Line related KPIs.
It cannot be ruled out that the Manager, due to a misjudgment, wrongly considers the sustainability features to be fulfilled. In this case, there is a risk that the Fund may unintentionally invest in a portfolio company that does not comply with the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors, or the “does not significantly harm”-requirement, or the Triple Top Line related KPIs.
Due to the above restrictions, it may be that the Fund will not invest into certain companies (in case of “red flags”). As a result, there is a risk that the Fund’s investment activities and thus the growth of the Fund might be impeded or slowed down.
A. Summary
The Partnership’s investment strategy takes sustainability risks into account in its investment decision-making process. The Partnership meets the requirement of Article 9 SFDR on sustainable investment objectives by investing in startups which (1) contribute significantly to an environmental objective; (2) do not harm environmental or social objectives; and (3) follow good governance practices.
This strategy is implemented at the investment level in the form of a three-stage process. First, potential portfolio companies are screened taking into account a negative exclusion lists. The exclusion list of the European Investment Fund (EIF list) and KfW Capital are used as a basis, each of which has been slightly adapted to certain specifications of the company’s business model. In a second step, the business model of the portfolio company is reviewed for any adverse sustainability impacts (so-called “Principal Adverse Impacts” or “PAI”) using so-called “Principal Adverse Impacts factors” (“PAI factors”). Main purpose of the due diligence is the verification of “no significant harm to sustainability factors”. The third step is an in-depth analysis of the positive impact to sustainability objectives on the basis of the “Triple Top Line”. Impact objectives are set forth for each portfolio company prior to the Partnership’s investment (9 key performance indicators allow an accurate performance measurement).
B. No significant harm to the sustainable investment objective
The Fund’s investments not only avoid harm but also generate significant positive outcomes for the planet.
In order to exclude any possible adverse effects, the Manager conducts a due diligence based on exclusion lists and on potential adverse impacts in regard to environmental, social and governance issues. The Manager takes the results into account in its investment decisions. The Manager’s risk management processes take into account such sustainability risks by way of identifying, mitigating or offsetting such risks early and effectively. For that purpose, a set of related questions has been integrated in the pre-investment Due Diligence questionnaire as well as in the post-investment monitoring and support processes.
The further analysis is based on the Triple Top Line assessing the impact on the three pillars of Economy, Equity and Ecology. Through the holistic nature of the Triple Top Line, also the interconnectedness between these pillars, respectively adverse environmental or social effects can be revealed and quantified. The three Triple Top Line pillars help to systematically analyze the dynamic interplay of economic, ecological, and societal equity targets to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Triple Top Line approach is not only a Due Diligence framework but also a strategic tool enabling portfolio companies to develop their products towards the SDGs.
C. Sustainable investment objective of the financial product
The Fund invests in companies that build scalable businesses and that
- have major environmental contribution
- do not harm environmental or social objectives
- follow good governance practices.
The Fund focuses on investments in Transformative Technologies which have the potential to fundamentally change value chains in today’s most CO2 intense sectors. Thus, the Fund seeks to make “sustainable investments” within the meaning of Article 2 (17) SFDR and classifies the Partnership as a financial product within the meaning of Article 9 (2) SFDR due to the following reasons:
- investments in portfolio companies with certain business activities are excluded;
- selected environmental and social characteristics have been defined as part of the investment strategy;
- selection, due diligence (see in detail under J. Due Diligence) and the impact will be measured according to the EU criteria for sustainable business activities (on the basis of the Triple Top Line related KPIs) and whenever possible to the EU Taxonomy (GHG emissions, waste generation, resource exploitation and/or biodiversity loss).
The Fund will gather and monitor the relevant data and will report on this data. The attainment of the Fund’s sustainable investment objective is measured with ESG and Triple Top Line KPIs, which are based on each individual investee’s sustainable characteristics. These metrics have been developed in accordance with well-known frameworks such as GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, the ICGN Global Corporate Governance Principles, the EFFAS ESG Guidelines, as well as the IRIS metric (see in detail under F. Monitoring of sustainable investment objectives).
The Fund wants to contribute to an economy that operates within the planetary boundaries.
D. Investment Strategy
The Fund only invests in startups that:
- have highly scalable businesses,
- have a strong team and
- have the potential to create positive measurable impact according to the Tripe Top Line.
The Fund will invest in the following sectors: Energy and Resources, Ciruclar Economy Tech, Industry and Manufacturing, Mobility and Logistics, Buildings and Infrastructure, AgTech and FoodTech, sectors driven by the utilization of key enabling technologies such as Advanced Data Analytics, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, or Artificial Intelligence.
The Fund’s focus on impact is anchored in every aspect of the investment process, from the screening to the setting of impact KPIs at the closing of the deal to impact monitoring during the holding period to an impact evaluation and carry clawback at the time of exit. Governance issues are being addressed as part of an ESG questionnaire during the Due Diligence and are monitored through the yearly ESG assessment of the investees, which is complementing the impact assessment according to the Triple Top Line framework.
E. Proportion of investments
The investments are 100% direct risk positions in companies in which investments are made.
100% of the investments will be sustainable investments. It is ex ante not possible to estimate the proportion of investments for which data according to the EU Taxonomy will be available. Whenever possible the Fund will report according to the EU Taxonomy.
F. Monitoring of sustainable investment objective
Compliance with the environmental and social criteria by the portfolio companies, i.e. full consideration of the exclusion lists and the selected PAI factors within the Due Diligence, is monitored at the time of investment and updated upon availability of new data in each new financing round, or compliance by the portfolio companies is bindingly agreed as part of the investment agreement. If it is determined in the course of a financing round that the exclusion lists are no longer being complied with or that measures agreed with regard to the consideration of PAI factors are not being implemented by the portfolio companies, the Fund may refuse further financing.
The Manager constantly monitors impact objectives of the Fund. Wherever possible impact performance data will be gathered automatically and in real-time from the portfolio companies. The Manager will assess the impact performance of the portfolio companies and provide information to the Fund investors on a yearly basis regarding the following three parameters: portfolio company’s impact objectives, portfolio company’s impact achievement and overall portfolio impact achievement.
G. Methodologies
In order to quantify the impact of a portfolio company’s innovative product or service, the Manager assesses the economic, environmental and social equity impacts associated with a product or a service.
According to Braungart and McDonough, the scientific originators of the Triple Top Line, every product designed for economic gains implicitly has an enormous impact on society and on the environment and thus brings the opportunity to concurrently generate positive gains on all three pillars. Therefore, the framework employs the dynamic interplay of these three pillars and generates further value out of their interconnectedness.
The Triple Top Line is embodied in a fractal triangle.
- The fractals on the right side combine economic and environmental features and are among others analyzing whether resources are being used efficiently or whether a product is respecting the boundaries set by the nature.
- The fractals from the bottom are dedicated to environmental and social facets and mainly relate to the value a product or an organization brings to its customers and to society as a whole.
- Going up the left side of the Triple Top Line, social and economic aspects start merging and the framework focuses on e.g., equal work conditions and fair compensations matters.
The fractals of the Triple Top Line, Adapted from: Design for the Triple Top Line: New Tools for Sustainable Commerce, W. McDonough and M. Braungart, own representation
Inspired by the original model, the Fund elaborates for each company a set of questions and key performance indicators, one for each fractal. The Fund and the Management teams of the (potential) investee thereby focus on how the company can achieve positive impact through its offering and or – if that is not possible – through sustainable operations and processes. Regardless of which category these fall into, the fractals are closely linked to the strategy of the company and focus on value adding aspects for the respective entity.
With this approach, the Fund implements the elaborated Triple Top Line concept and condenses it down to 9 questions and following 9 key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPIs assigned and tracked by the Fund aim to have a clear contribution to the goals of the Paris Agreement and to the SDGs.
H. Data sources and processing
A variety of data sources serve as a basis for the review of a portfolio company with respect to the investment strategy outlined above. These include, i.a., the following:
- Business plan and information contained in the data room of the potential investment target
- Own research in databases and the Internet
- Annual financial statements of the potential investment target
- A dedicated ESG Questionnaire
- Interviews with the portfolio company – the Triple Top Line Analysis is being developed in cooperation with the Management Team of the portfolio company in a dedicated workshop.
The data collection is based on own research results of investment managers of the Partnership and partly in cooperation with independent external service providers. In this respect, a large number of different data sources are used.
I. Limitations to methodologies and data
Duty of care: The Partnership proceeds with the greatest possible care. However, no warranty can be given for the correctness and completeness of the information and data of the portfolio companies or the external providers. In this respect, it cannot be ruled out that the data and information may be incomplete or incorrect in individual cases.
Limitation of methodology: GET is pioneering the Triple Top Line as an impact measurement methodology for venture capital investments. The Triple Top Line approach allows for a measurable impact assessment of products and services according to the specific aspects of the business model as well as for the possibility of aggregating impact measurements at portfolio level.
Note on possible future changes: The regulatory requirements regarding the content and presentation of the information to be disclosed under the Disclosure Regulation on environmental characteristics and PAI, on “Do no significant harm” and on “sustainable investments” may change. In the future, regulatory requirements on specific aspects of the EU Taxonomy as well as for social and corporate governance aspects are also expected. As a result, it cannot be ruled out that the investment strategy pursued by the Partnership will have to be adjusted. We reserve the right to take into account further environmental and/or social characteristics, further PAIs and further Taxonomy aspects in the future.
J. Due Diligence
For the Fund, sourcing and due diligence are characterized by a strong inclusion of sustainability aspects. The Fund will only finance responsible business models with a responsible product design. Funded companies will develop and manufacture their services and products with consideration of the environmental, social, and governance impact on people and planet. The Due Diligence process of the Fund takes several aspects into account:
- Business model and financials: Industry standard procedures with external validation by external auditors or tax experts if necessary
- Legal & commercial: Industry standard procedures with external validation by our legal advisors
- Intellectual Property: Industry standard procedures with external validation by our legal advisors
- Technical Assessment: Industry standard procedures with external validation by technical experts either within the Manager’s network or professionally conducted assessments if necessary
- ESG: Check regarding ESG Compliance and Principal Adverse Impacts as well as ensure “Do not significant harm (only aspect of Due Diligence which is described in this section)
- Impact: analysis of the positive impact on sustainability factors (The positive measurement of impact has been described above in G. Methodologies).
The implementation of the sustainability strategy at the investment level takes the form of a two-stage process a preliminary screening and a proper due diligence.
1. ESG Screening: Investments in portfolio companies with certain business activities are excluded
Preliminary Screening:
In a Preliminary Screening process, the Investment Team decides whether an opportunity is in alignment with the Fund’s mission statement. This also implies, that the activity of the potential investee does not fall under the GET exclusion list. The GET Exclusion List is based on the Exclusion List of KfW Capital as of December 2021 as well as the European Investment Fund Restricted Sectors as of July 2010. Furthermore, it includes requirements related to human rights, labor, environment as well as anticorruption. Future updates of the EIF and KfW lists will be also reflected in the GET Exclusion List.
In a second step of the Preliminary Screening, the Investment Team conducts an internal Triple Top Line analysis and briefly examines on what the Triple Top Line fractals could focus on, if – and once – the investment target makes it to the next stages and eventually becomes part of the GET portfolio.
2. ESG Integration in the Due Diligence Process
Advanced Review:
The Advanced Review stage kicks off with the creation of an ESG and PAI profile of respective company, which covers both the principle adverse impacts (PAI) on sustainability factors according to Article 9(2) SFDR as well as an additional risk assessment from an ESG point of view, complementing the PAI assessment by particularly governance considerations. For further details on the assessment of the ESG and PAI profile, please consult the respective document. In a next step, the GET team introduces the Triple Top Line concept to the entrepreneurial teams, discusses their results from the Preliminary Study, and aligns with the management team on potential Triple Top Line KPIs to be tracked over the Holding Period. Based on this, the team also evaluates the EU Taxonomy alignment of respective company.
Key negative principal adverse sustainability impacts reviewed in the due diligence include environmental, social, labor, and governance issues. Data will be collected and reviewed based on EU-defined Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs). At this step, the investment team would identify any red flags. Due to the early stage of development of the start-ups and the corresponding unavailability of quantitative data, some surveys are excluded from the list of mandatory PAIs.
Environmental aspects in the due diligence checklist:
- Greenhouse gas emissions,
- Biodiversity,
- Water use and wastewater,
- Waste,
- Land degradation, desertification, soil sealing,
- The carbon footprint essentially includes all PAIs on greenhouse gas emissions and energy use. Most startups do not engage in energy-intensive activities in the early stages. The PAI on fossil fuel engagement is already omitted due to the above exclusion criteria.
Social and employee issues in the due diligence checklist:
- Violations of UN Global Compact principles and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,
- Processes and compliance mechanisms to monitor compliance with UN Global Compact principles and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,
- Diversity in the founding team and Board of the company,
- Unadjusted gender pay gap,
- Rate of accidents,
- Incidents of discrimination,
- PAI on arms is already not applicable due to the above exclusion criteria.
- For each transaction, the manager will perform all necessary know-your-customer checks required for adequate money laundering prevention, a key element of governance in the venture capital business.
The results of this assessment are considered when taking investment decisions. In its free discretion, the Manager may decide to make an investment even if sustainability risks have been determined. In such case, the Manager may in its sole discretion decide to apply appropriate mitigation measures. At all times, the Manager will apply the principle of proportionality taking due account of the strategic relevance of an investment, the maturity of the portfolio company as well as its transactional context.
External Due Diligence:
If needed – and especially in cases where the GET team lacks specific know how – external parties (e.g., consultants) will be involved to conduct an ESG or impact assessments (e.g., CO2 footprint, Life cycle analysis, etc.).
Final Negotiation and Investment Decision:
Within the final negotiations, the key questions for each Triple Top Line fractal as well as the KPIs to be tracked over the holding period are defined during a Triple Top Line workshop organized by the Manager for the management teams. This is aimed to support future portfolio companies in understanding, and communicating their economic, environmental, and societal performance, in setting appropriate goals, and managing their businesses more effectively. Additionally, during this stage, the Investment Team also defines the Triple Top Line KPIs relevant for the later carry assessment.
Results of the ESG due diligence are included in the Investment Memorandum and further investment documentation.
The Fund is authorized to make reasonable adjustments to the environmental and social criteria defined at the time of the Fund’s launch if the relevant legal framework changes or if the team determines after the fund’s launch that the defined environmental and social criteria cannot be reviewed by the team for factual reasons.
K. Engagement policies
The Fund is set up as a collaborative actor in the investment field. With the Fund, we want to generate positive impact beyond our portfolio companies by sharing learnings and scientific insights, cooperating with other VCs as well as public institutions and foundations in order to advance the whole ecosystem.
As venture capital investor, the influence we have on portfolio companies through shareholdings, including influence on sustainability matters, is typically limited. However, we shall apply best efforts to encourage GET’s portfolio companies to commit to pursuing their ESG and impact commitments. During the post-investment phase, information on ESG related issues will be collected and evaluated yearly via a questionnaire. This enables us to identify ESG related issues, early and encourage and support actions for improvement. To this end, we will conduct, where appropriate, training sessions for portfolio companies on how to resolve ESG related issues. In addition, we will set ESG and impact issues on the agenda of the portfolio companies’ board meetings.
L. Attainment of sustainable investment objective
The Fund strives to reduce GHG emissions and to contribute to the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Following GET’s mission to support the eco-industrial transition to an economy that operates within the planetary boundaries GET will not invest in companies that are not part of the solution.
The Fund has backed this objective with the Triple Top Line, a science-based impact methodology that assesses the impact on sustainability factors of all investments. The Triple Top Line approach allows for a measurable impact assessment of products and services according to the specific aspects of the business model and or product/service as well as for the possibility of aggregating impact measurements at portfolio level.
The Fund does not have a renumeration guideline in accordance with the requirements of the AIFMD. The integration of sustainability risks is nevertheless considered with respect to the Manager’s renumeration. The Triple Top Line impact KPIs decided upon are reported and monitored and tied into the impact-influenced carried interest of the Fund.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” oder “Gesellschaft” oder “Fonds”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) qualifiziert sich als Finanzprodukt gemäß Art. 9 der Verordnung (EU) 2019/2088 vom 27. November 2019 über nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Offenlegungspflichten im Finanzdienstleistungssektor (“Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” / “SFDR”). Artikel 9-Fonds haben ein nachhaltiges Anlageziel mit einem starken ESG-Fokus. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” oder der Manager) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) ist die Verwaltungsgesellschaft von GET.
Der Manager und die Partnerschaft legen die folgenden Informationen gemäß Art. 10 SFDR und den Art. 37 bis 49 der delegierten Verordnung (EU) 2022/1288 der Kommission vom 6. April 2022 zur Ergänzung durch technische Regulierungsstandards (RTS).
Die Investitionsstrategie der Gesellschaft berücksichtigt Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken in ihrem Entscheidungsprozess. Die Gesellschaft erfüllt die Anforderung von Artikel 9 SFDR zu nachhaltigen Investitionszielen, indem sie in Start-ups investiert, die (1) einen signifikanten Beitrag zu einem Umweltziel leisten, (2) ökologischen oder sozialen Zielen nicht schaden und (3) eine gute Unternehmensführung verfolgen.
Diese Strategie wird auf der Investitionsebene in Form eines dreistufigen Prozesses umgesetzt. Zunächst werden potenzielle Portfoliounternehmen unter Berücksichtigung von negativen Ausschlusslisten geprüft. Als Grundlage dienen die Ausschlusslisten des Europäischen Investitionsfonds (EIF-Liste) und der KfW Capital, die jeweils leicht an bestimmte Spezifikationen des Geschäftsmodells des Portfoliounternehmens angepasst wurden. In einem zweiten Schritt wird das Geschäftsmodell des Portfoliounternehmens anhand sogenannter Principal Adverse Impacts Faktoren” (PAI-Faktoren”) auf etwaige negative Nachhaltigkeitsauswirkungen (sogenannte Principal Adverse Impacts” oder PAI”) überprüft. Hauptzweck der Due-Diligence-Prüfung ist die Überprüfung, dass die Nachhaltigkeitsfaktoren nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigt werden. Der dritte Schritt ist eine eingehende Analyse der positiven Auswirkungen auf die Nachhaltigkeitsziele auf der Grundlage der “Triple Top Line”. Für jedes Portfoliounternehmen werden vor der Investition der Partnerschaft Wirkungsziele festgelegt (9 wichtige Leistungsindikatoren ermöglichen eine genaue Leistungsmessung).
100 % der Investitionen werden nachhaltige Investitionen sein, und die Portfoliounternehmen werden (unter anderem) in den folgenden Sektoren ausgewählt: Energie und Ressourcen, Circular Economy Tech, Industrie und Fertigung, Mobilität und Logistik, Gebäude und Infrastruktur. Nur Unternehmen mit einem hochgradig skalierbaren Geschäft und dem Potenzial, positive, messbare Auswirkungen zu erzielen, werden Teil des Portfolios sein.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (” GET ” ou ” Société ” ou ” Fonds “) (LEI : 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) remplit les conditions requises pour être considéré comme un produit financier en vertu de l’article 9 du règlement (UE) 2019/2088 du 27 novembre 2019 relatif aux obligations d’information en matière de développement durable dans le secteur des services financiers (” règlement sur la divulgation de la finance durable ” / ” SFDR “). Les fonds de l’article 9 ont un objectif d’investissement durable avec une forte orientation ESG. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” ou le gestionnaire) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) est la société de gestion de GET.
Le gestionnaire et la Société divulguent les informations suivantes conformément à l’article 10 du RGPD et aux articles 37 à 49 du règlement délégué (UE) 2022/1288 de la Commission du 6 avril 2022 le complétant par des normes techniques réglementaires (RTS).
La stratégie d’investissement de la Société prend en compte les risques de durabilité dans son processus décisionnel. La Société se conforme à l’exigence de l’article 9 SFDR sur les objectifs d’investissement durable en investissant dans des start-ups qui (1) apportent une contribution significative à un objectif environnemental, (2) ne nuisent pas aux objectifs environnementaux ou sociaux et (3) poursuivent une bonne gouvernance d’entreprise.
Cette stratégie est mise en œuvre au niveau de l’investissement par le biais d’un processus en trois étapes. Tout d’abord, les entreprises potentielles du portefeuille sont examinées en tenant compte des listes d’exclusion négatives. Les listes d’exclusion du Fonds européen d’investissement (liste du FEI) et de KfW Capital, chacune légèrement adaptée à certaines spécifications du modèle d’entreprise de la société de portefeuille, servent de base. Dans un deuxième temps, le modèle d’entreprise de la société en portefeuille est examiné pour détecter tout impact négatif sur le développement durable (appelé “Principal Adverse Impacts” ou “PAIs”) à l’aide des “Principal Adverse Impacts Factors” (“PAI Factors”). L’objectif principal de la diligence raisonnable est de vérifier que les facteurs de durabilité ne sont pas matériellement affectés. La troisième étape consiste en une analyse approfondie de l’impact positif sur les objectifs de durabilité sur la base de la “Triple Top Line”. Des objectifs d’impact sont fixés pour chaque société du portefeuille avant que le partenariat n’investisse (9 indicateurs clés de performance permettent une mesure précise de la performance).
100 % des investissements seront des investissements durables et les entreprises du portefeuille seront sélectionnées dans les secteurs suivants (entre autres) : Énergie et ressources, Circular Economy Tech, Industrie et fabrication, Mobilité et logistique, Bâtiments et infrastructures. Seules les entreprises dont l’activité est hautement évolutive et qui ont le potentiel de produire un impact positif et mesurable feront partie du portefeuille.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” eller “selskabet” eller “fonden”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) opfylder betingelserne for at være et finansielt produkt i henhold til artikel 9 i forordning (EU) 2019/2088 af 27. november 2019 om bæredygtighedsrelaterede oplysningskrav i sektoren for finansielle tjenesteydelser (“forordningen om oplysningspligt om bæredygtige finansielle instrumenter” / “SFDR”). Artikel 9-fonde har et bæredygtigt investeringsmål med et stærkt ESG-fokus. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” eller forvalteren) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) er administrationsselskab for GET.
Forvalteren og partnerskabet offentliggør følgende oplysninger i overensstemmelse med artikel 10 i SFDR og artikel 37-49 i Kommissionens delegerede forordning (EU) 2022/1288 af 6. april 2022 om supplering af denne forordning med reguleringsmæssige tekniske standarder (RTS).
Selskabets investeringsstrategi tager hensyn til bæredygtighedsrisici i sin beslutningsproces. Selskabet overholder kravet i artikel 9 i SFDR om bæredygtige investeringsmål ved at investere i nystartede virksomheder, der 1) yder et væsentligt bidrag til et miljømål, 2) ikke skader miljømæssige eller sociale mål og 3) forfølger god virksomhedsledelse.
Denne strategi gennemføres på investeringsniveau gennem en proces i tre trin. Først screenes potentielle porteføljeselskaber under hensyntagen til negative udelukkelseslister. Som grundlag tjener udelukkelseslisterne fra Den Europæiske Investeringsfond (EIF-listen) og KfW Capital, som hver især er tilpasset en smule til visse specifikationer af porteføljeselskabets forretningsmodel. I et andet trin gennemgås porteføljeselskabets forretningsmodel for eventuelle negative bæredygtighedsvirkninger (såkaldte “Principal Adverse Impacts” eller “PAI’er”) ved hjælp af såkaldte “Principal Adverse Impacts Factors” (“PAI-faktorer”). Hovedformålet med due diligence er at verificere, at bæredygtighedsfaktorerne ikke påvirkes væsentligt. Det tredje trin er en dybtgående analyse af den positive indvirkning på bæredygtighedsmålene baseret på “Triple Top Line”. Der fastsættes effektmål for hvert porteføljeselskab, inden partnerskabet investerer (9 nøgleindikatorer gør det muligt at foretage en nøjagtig måling af resultaterne).
100 % af investeringerne vil være bæredygtige investeringer, og der udvælges porteføljevirksomheder i bl.a. følgende sektorer: Energi og ressourcer, teknologi inden for cirkulær økonomi, industri og produktion, mobilitet og logistik, bygninger og infrastruktur. Kun virksomheder med en meget skalerbar virksomhed og potentiale til at skabe en positiv, målbar effekt vil indgå i porteføljen.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” tai “yhtiö” tai “rahasto”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) täyttää rahoituspalvelualan kestävään kehitykseen liittyvistä tiedonantovaatimuksista rahoituspalvelualalla 27. marraskuuta 2019 annetun asetuksen (EU) 2019/2088 (“Kestävän rahoituksen tiedonantoasetus” / “SFDR”) 9 artiklan mukaiset vaatimukset rahoitustuotteena. 9 artiklan mukaisilla rahastoilla on kestävä sijoitustavoite, jossa on vahva ESG-painotus. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” tai hoitaja) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) on GET:n rahastoyhtiö.
Hallinnoija ja kumppanuus julkistavat seuraavat tiedot SFDR:n 10 artiklan ja sen täydentämisestä teknisillä sääntelystandardeilla (RTS) 6 päivänä huhtikuuta 2022 annetun komission delegoidun asetuksen (EU) 2022/1288 37-49 artiklan mukaisesti.
Yhtiön sijoitusstrategiassa otetaan kestävyysriskit huomioon päätöksentekoprosessissa. Yhtiö noudattaa SFDR:n 9 artiklan vaatimusta kestävistä sijoitustavoitteista sijoittamalla uusiin yrityksiin, jotka (1) edistävät merkittävästi ympäristötavoitetta, (2) eivät vahingoita ympäristö- tai sosiaalisia tavoitteita ja (3) noudattavat hyvää hallintotapaa.
Tätä strategiaa toteutetaan sijoitustasolla kolmivaiheisen prosessin avulla. Ensin potentiaaliset salkkuyhtiöt seulotaan ottaen huomioon negatiiviset poissulkemislistat. Perusteena käytetään Euroopan investointirahaston (EIR) ja KfW Capitalin poissulkemisluetteloita, jotka on mukautettu hieman salkkuyhtiön liiketoimintamallin tiettyihin ominaisuuksiin. Toisessa vaiheessa salkkuyhtiön liiketoimintamallia tarkastellaan mahdollisten kielteisten kestävyysvaikutusten (niin sanottujen pääasialliset kielteiset vaikutukset) varalta käyttäen niin sanottuja pääasialliset kielteiset vaikutukset -tekijöitä (PAI-tekijät). Due diligence -tarkastuksen päätarkoituksena on varmistaa, että kestävyystekijöihin ei kohdistu olennaisia vaikutuksia. Kolmas vaihe on perusteellinen analyysi kestävyystavoitteisiin kohdistuvista myönteisistä vaikutuksista, jotka perustuvat “Triple Top Line” -analyysiin. Vaikutustavoitteet asetetaan kullekin salkkuyhtiölle ennen kumppanuuden sijoituksia (9 keskeistä tulosindikaattoria mahdollistavat tarkan suorituskyvyn mittaamisen).
Sijoituksista 100 prosenttia on kestäviä sijoituksia, ja salkkuyritykset valitaan (muun muassa) seuraavilta aloilta: Energia ja luonnonvarat, kiertotalouden teknologia, teollisuus ja valmistus, liikkuvuus ja logistiikka, rakennukset ja infrastruktuuri. Salkkuun otetaan vain yrityksiä, joiden liiketoiminta on hyvin skaalautuvaa ja joilla on potentiaalia tuottaa positiivisia, mitattavissa olevia vaikutuksia.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” o “Società” o “Fondo”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) si qualifica come prodotto finanziario ai sensi dell’articolo 9 del Regolamento (UE) 2019/2088 del 27 novembre 2019 sugli obblighi di comunicazione in materia di sostenibilità nel settore dei servizi finanziari (“Regolamento sulla comunicazione in materia di finanza sostenibile” / “SFDR”). I Fondi ex articolo 9 hanno un obiettivo di investimento sostenibile con un forte orientamento ESG. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” o il Gestore) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) è la società di gestione di GET.
Il Gestore e la Società di gestione rendono note le seguenti informazioni ai sensi dell’articolo 10 della SFDR e degli articoli da 37 a 49 del Regolamento delegato (UE) 2022/1288 della Commissione, del 6 aprile 2022, che integra le norme tecniche di regolamentazione (RTS).
La strategia di investimento della Società tiene conto dei rischi di sostenibilità nel suo processo decisionale. La Società soddisfa il requisito dell’articolo 9 del SFDR sugli obiettivi di investimento sostenibili investendo in start-up che (1) forniscono un contributo significativo a un obiettivo ambientale, (2) non danneggiano gli obiettivi ambientali o sociali e (3) perseguono una buona governance aziendale.
Questa strategia viene attuata a livello di investimento attraverso un processo in tre fasi. In primo luogo, le potenziali società in portafoglio vengono vagliate tenendo conto delle liste di esclusione negative. Le liste di esclusione del Fondo europeo per gli investimenti (lista FEI) e di KfW Capital, ciascuna leggermente adattata a determinate specifiche del modello di business della società in portafoglio, fungono da base. In una seconda fase, il modello di business della società in portafoglio viene esaminato per individuare eventuali impatti negativi sulla sostenibilità (i cosiddetti “Principal Adverse Impacts” o “PAI”) utilizzando i cosiddetti “Principal Adverse Impacts Factors” (“PAI Factors”). Lo scopo principale della due diligence è verificare che i fattori di sostenibilità non siano influenzati in modo sostanziale. La terza fase consiste in un’analisi approfondita dell’impatto positivo sugli obiettivi di sostenibilità sulla base della “Triple Top Line”. Gli obiettivi di impatto vengono fissati per ogni società in portafoglio prima che la partnership investa (9 indicatori chiave di performance consentono una misurazione accurata delle prestazioni).
Il 100% degli investimenti sarà sostenibile e le società in portafoglio saranno selezionate nei seguenti settori (tra gli altri): Energia e Risorse, Tecnologia dell’Economia Circolare, Industria e Produzione, Mobilità e Logistica, Edifici e Infrastrutture. Solo le aziende con un business altamente scalabile e con il potenziale per produrre un impatto positivo e misurabile faranno parte del portafoglio.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” of “Vennootschap” of “Fonds”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) kwalificeert als een financieel product op grond van artikel 9 van Verordening (EU) 2019/2088 van 27 november 2019 betreffende duurzaamheidsgerelateerde openbaarmakingsvereisten in de financiële sector (“Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” / “SFDR”). Artikel 9 Fondsen hebben een duurzame beleggingsdoelstelling met een sterke ESG-focus. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” of de Beheerder) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) is de beheermaatschappij van GET.
De Beheerder en de Maatschap maken de volgende informatie bekend in overeenstemming met artikel 10 KRW en de artikelen 37 tot en met 49 van Gedelegeerde Verordening (EU) 2022/1288 van de Commissie van 6 april 2022 tot aanvulling van deze verordening met technische reguleringsnormen (RTS).
De beleggingsstrategie van de Vennootschap houdt bij haar besluitvorming rekening met duurzaamheidsrisico’s. De Vennootschap voldoet aan de vereiste van artikel 9 FRR inzake duurzame beleggingsdoelstellingen door te investeren in start-ups die (1) een aanzienlijke bijdrage leveren aan een milieudoelstelling, (2) geen afbreuk doen aan milieu- of sociale doelstellingen en (3) goed ondernemingsbestuur nastreven.
Deze strategie wordt op investeringsniveau ten uitvoer gelegd via een proces in drie stappen. Eerst worden potentiële portefeuillebedrijven gescreend met inachtneming van negatieve uitsluitingslijsten. De uitsluitingslijsten van het Europees Investeringsfonds (EIF-lijst) en KfW Capital, elk enigszins aangepast aan bepaalde specificaties van het bedrijfsmodel van de portefeuilleonderneming, dienen als basis. In een tweede stap wordt het bedrijfsmodel van de portefeuilleonderneming beoordeeld op eventuele negatieve duurzaamheidseffecten (zogenaamde “Principal Adverse Impacts” of “PAI’s”) aan de hand van zogenaamde “Principal Adverse Impacts Factors” (“PAI Factors”). Het belangrijkste doel van due diligence is na te gaan of de duurzaamheidsfactoren niet wezenlijk worden beïnvloed. De derde stap is een grondige analyse van de positieve impact op de duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen op basis van de “Triple Top Line”. Voor elk bedrijf in portefeuille worden impactdoelstellingen vastgesteld voordat het partnerschap investeert (9 belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren maken een nauwkeurige prestatiemeting mogelijk).
100% van de investeringen zullen duurzame investeringen zijn en de portefeuillebedrijven worden geselecteerd in de volgende sectoren (onder andere): Energie en Hulpbronnen, Circular Economy Tech, Industrie en Productie, Mobiliteit en Logistiek, Gebouwen en Infrastructuur. Alleen bedrijven met een zeer schaalbaar bedrijf en het potentieel om positieve, meetbare impact te leveren zullen deel uitmaken van de portefeuille.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” lub “Spółka” lub “Fundusz”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) kwalifikuje się jako produkt finansowy zgodnie z art. 9 rozporządzenia (UE) 2019/2088 z dnia 27 listopada 2019 r. w sprawie wymogów dotyczących ujawniania informacji związanych ze zrównoważonym rozwojem w sektorze usług finansowych (“Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” / “SFDR”). Artykuł 9 Fundusze mają zrównoważony cel inwestycyjny z silnym naciskiem na ESG. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” lub Zarządzający) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) jest spółką zarządzającą GET.
Zarządzający i Spółka ujawniają następujące informacje zgodnie z art. 10 SFDR oraz art. 37-49 Rozporządzenia Delegowanego Komisji (UE) 2022/1288 z dnia 6 kwietnia 2022 r. uzupełniającego je o Regulacyjne Standardy Techniczne (RTS).
Strategia inwestycyjna Spółki uwzględnia ryzyko zrównoważonego rozwoju w procesie podejmowania decyzji. Spółka spełnia wymóg art. 9 SFDR dotyczący zrównoważonych celów inwestycyjnych poprzez inwestowanie w start-upy, które (1) wnoszą istotny wkład w realizację celu środowiskowego, (2) nie szkodzą celom środowiskowym lub społecznym oraz (3) stosują dobry ład korporacyjny.
Strategia ta jest realizowana na poziomie inwestycji poprzez trzyetapowy proces. Po pierwsze, potencjalne spółki portfelowe są sprawdzane z uwzględnieniem negatywnych list wykluczeń. Za podstawę służą listy wykluczeń Europejskiego Funduszu Inwestycyjnego (lista EFI) i KfW Capital, z których każda jest nieznacznie dostosowana do pewnych specyfikacji modelu biznesowego spółki portfelowej. W drugim kroku model biznesowy spółki portfelowej jest analizowany pod kątem wszelkich negatywnych wpływów na zrównoważony rozwój (tzw. “Principal Adverse Impacts” lub “PAIs”) przy użyciu tzw. “Principal Adverse Impacts Factors” (“Czynniki PAI”). Głównym celem due diligence jest sprawdzenie, czy czynniki zrównoważonego rozwoju nie mają istotnego wpływu. Trzeci krok to dogłębna analiza pozytywnego wpływu na cele zrównoważonego rozwoju w oparciu o “Triple Top Line”. Cele dotyczące wpływu są ustalane dla każdej spółki portfelowej przed dokonaniem inwestycji przez partnerstwo (9 kluczowych wskaźników wydajności umożliwia dokładny pomiar wydajności).
100% inwestycji będzie inwestycjami zrównoważonymi, a spółki portfelowe zostaną wybrane w następujących sektorach (między innymi): Energy and Resources, Circular Economy Tech, Industry and Manufacturing, Mobility and Logistics, Buildings and Infrastructure. W skład portfela wejdą wyłącznie spółki o wysoce skalowalnej działalności i potencjale wywierania pozytywnego, wymiernego wpływu.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” ou “Empresa” ou “Fundo”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) qualifica-se como produto financeiro ao abrigo do artigo 9º do Regulamento (UE) 2019/2088 de 27 de Novembro de 2019 relativo aos requisitos de divulgação de informações relacionadas com a sustentabilidade no sector dos serviços financeiros (“Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” / “SFDR”). Os fundos têm um objectivo de investimento sustentável com um forte enfoque no ESG. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” ou o Gestor) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) é a empresa de gestão do GET.
O Gestor e a Sociedade divulgam as seguintes informações em conformidade com o Artigo 10 SFDR e os Artigos 37 a 49 do Regulamento Delegado da Comissão (UE) 2022/1288 de 6 de Abril de 2022, que o complementa com Normas Técnicas Regulamentares (RTS).
A estratégia de investimento da Empresa tem em conta os riscos de sustentabilidade no seu processo de tomada de decisões. A Empresa cumpre o requisito do Artigo 9 SFDR sobre objectivos de investimento sustentável ao investir em empresas em fase de arranque que (1) contribuam significativamente para um objectivo ambiental, (2) não prejudiquem objectivos ambientais ou sociais e (3) prossigam uma boa governação empresarial.
Esta estratégia é implementada a nível do investimento através de um processo em três fases. Em primeiro lugar, as potenciais empresas em carteira são rastreadas tendo em conta listas de exclusão negativas. As listas de exclusão do Fundo Europeu de Investimento (lista FEI) e do KfW Capital, cada uma ligeiramente adaptada a certas especificações do modelo empresarial da empresa da carteira, servem de base. Numa segunda fase, o modelo de negócio da empresa da carteira é revisto para detectar quaisquer impactos negativos na sustentabilidade (os chamados “Principais Impactos Adversos” ou “PAIs”) utilizando os chamados “Principais Factores de Impactos Adversos” (“Factores PAI”). O principal objectivo da devida diligência é verificar que os factores de sustentabilidade não são materialmente afectados. O terceiro passo é uma análise aprofundada do impacto positivo sobre os objectivos de sustentabilidade com base na “Triple Top Line”. Os objectivos de impacto são estabelecidos para cada empresa da carteira antes de a parceria investir (9 indicadores-chave de desempenho permitem uma medição precisa do desempenho).
100% dos investimentos serão investimentos sustentáveis e as empresas da carteira serão seleccionadas nos seguintes sectores (entre outros): Energia e Recursos, Economia Circular Técnica, Indústria e Fabrico, Mobilidade e Logística, Edifícios e Infra-estruturas. Só farão parte da carteira as empresas com um negócio altamente escalável e com potencial para produzir um impacto positivo e mensurável.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” eller “bolaget” eller “fonden”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) kvalificerar sig som en finansiell produkt enligt artikel 9 i förordning (EU) 2019/2088 av den 27 november 2019 om hållbarhetsrelaterade informationskrav inom sektorn för finansiella tjänster (“förordningen om offentliggörande av information om hållbar finansiering” / “SFDR”). Artikel 9-fonder har ett hållbart investeringsmål med ett starkt ESG-fokus. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” eller förvaltaren) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) är förvaltningsbolag för GET.
Förvaltaren och partnerskapet offentliggör följande information i enlighet med artikel 10 i SFDR och artiklarna 37-49 i kommissionens delegerade förordning (EU) 2022/1288 av den 6 april 2022 om komplettering med tekniska standarder för tillsyn (RTS).
I bolagets investeringsstrategi beaktas hållbarhetsrisker i beslutsprocessen. Bolaget uppfyller kravet i artikel 9 i SFDR om hållbara investeringsmål genom att investera i nystartade företag som (1) ger ett betydande bidrag till ett miljömål, (2) inte skadar miljömässiga eller sociala mål och (3) bedriver god företagsstyrning.
Denna strategi genomförs på investeringsnivå genom en trestegsprocess. Först granskas potentiella portföljföretag med hänsyn till negativa uteslutningslistor. Som utgångspunkt används Europeiska investeringsfondens (EIF:s lista) och KfW Capital:s uteslutningslistor, som var och en har anpassats något till vissa specifikationer av portföljföretagets affärsmodell. I ett andra steg granskas portföljföretagets affärsmodell med avseende på eventuella negativa hållbarhetseffekter (s.k. “Principal Adverse Impacts” eller “PAI”) med hjälp av s.k. “Principal Adverse Impacts Factors” (“PAI Factors”). Huvudsyftet med due diligence är att verifiera att hållbarhetsfaktorerna inte påverkas väsentligt. Det tredje steget är en djupgående analys av den positiva påverkan på hållbarhetsmålen utifrån “Triple Top Line”. Effektmål fastställs för varje portföljföretag innan partnerskapet investerar (9 nyckelindikatorer möjliggör noggrann resultatmätning).
100 % av investeringarna kommer att vara hållbara investeringar och portföljföretagen kommer att väljas ut inom följande sektorer (bland annat): Energi och resurser, teknik för cirkulär ekonomi, industri och tillverkning, rörlighet och logistik, byggnader och infrastruktur. Endast företag med en mycket skalbar verksamhet och potential att ge positiva, mätbara effekter kommer att ingå i portföljen.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” o “Empresa” o “Fondo”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) cumple los requisitos para ser considerado un producto financiero en virtud del artículo 9 del Reglamento (UE) 2019/2088, de 27 de noviembre de 2019, sobre los requisitos de divulgación de información relacionados con la sostenibilidad en el sector de los servicios financieros (“Reglamento sobre divulgación de información financiera sostenible” / “SFDR”). Artículo 9 Los fondos tienen un objetivo de inversión sostenible con un fuerte enfoque ESG. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” o el Gestor) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) es la sociedad gestora de GET.
El Gestor y la Sociedad divulgan la siguiente información de conformidad con el artículo 10 del RGEF y los artículos 37 a 49 del Reglamento Delegado (UE) 2022/1288 de la Comisión, de 6 de abril de 2022, que lo complementa con Normas Técnicas de Reglamentación (NTR).
La estrategia de inversión de la Sociedad tiene en cuenta los riesgos de sostenibilidad en su proceso de toma de decisiones. La Sociedad cumple el requisito del artículo 9 del RLIS sobre los objetivos de inversión sostenible invirtiendo en empresas de nueva creación que (1) contribuyan significativamente a un objetivo medioambiental, (2) no perjudiquen los objetivos medioambientales o sociales y (3) persigan un buen gobierno corporativo.
Esta estrategia se aplica a nivel de inversión mediante un proceso en tres fases. En primer lugar, se examinan las posibles empresas en cartera teniendo en cuenta las listas de exclusión negativas. Sirven de base las listas de exclusión del Fondo Europeo de Inversiones (lista FEI) y de KfW Capital, cada una de ellas ligeramente adaptada a determinadas especificaciones del modelo de negocio de la empresa en cartera. En un segundo paso, se revisa el modelo de negocio de la empresa en cartera para detectar cualquier impacto negativo sobre la sostenibilidad (los denominados “Principales Impactos Adversos” o “PAI”) utilizando los denominados “Factores de Principales Impactos Adversos” (“Factores PAI”). El objetivo principal de la diligencia debida es verificar que los factores de sostenibilidad no se ven afectados materialmente. El tercer paso es un análisis en profundidad del impacto positivo sobre los objetivos de sostenibilidad basados en el “Triple Top Line”. Los objetivos de impacto se fijan para cada empresa de la cartera antes de que la asociación invierta (9 indicadores clave de rendimiento permiten una medición precisa del rendimiento).
El 100% de las inversiones serán inversiones sostenibles y se seleccionarán empresas en cartera en los siguientes sectores (entre otros): Energía y Recursos, Economía Circular Tech, Industria y Fabricación, Movilidad y Logística, Edificios e Infraestructuras. Solo formarán parte de la cartera las empresas con un negocio altamente escalable y con potencial para generar un impacto positivo y medible.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (dále jen “GET” nebo “Společnost” nebo “Fond”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) se kvalifikuje jako finanční produkt podle článku 9 nařízení (EU) 2019/2088 ze dne 27. listopadu 2019 o požadavcích na zveřejňování informací souvisejících s udržitelností v odvětví finančních služeb (dále jen “nařízení o zveřejňování informací o udržitelných finančních nástrojích” / “SFDR”). Fondy podle článku 9 mají udržitelný investiční cíl se silným zaměřením na ESG. GET Fund Management GmbH (dále jen “GET Fund Management” nebo “správce”) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) je správcovskou společností GET.
Správce a Partnerství zveřejňují následující informace v souladu s článkem 10 SFDR a články 37 až 49 nařízení Komise v přenesené pravomoci (EU) 2022/1288 ze dne 6. dubna 2022, kterým se doplňují regulační technické normy (RTS).
Investiční strategie Společnosti zohledňuje při rozhodování rizika udržitelnosti. Společnost splňuje požadavek článku 9 SFDR týkající se udržitelných investičních cílů tím, že investuje do začínajících podniků, které (1) významně přispívají k dosažení environmentálního cíle, (2) nepoškozují environmentální nebo sociální cíle a (3) uplatňují řádnou správu a řízení společnosti.
Tato strategie je na investiční úrovni realizována prostřednictvím třístupňového procesu. Nejprve jsou potenciální portfoliové společnosti prověřovány s ohledem na negativní vylučovací seznamy. Jako základ slouží vylučovací seznamy Evropského investičního fondu (seznam EIF) a KfW Capital, každý mírně upravený podle určitých specifikací obchodního modelu portfoliové společnosti. Ve druhém kroku je obchodní model portfoliové společnosti prověřen z hlediska případných negativních dopadů na udržitelnost (tzv. “hlavní nepříznivé dopady” nebo “PAI”) pomocí tzv. faktorů hlavních nepříznivých dopadů (“PAI Factors”). Hlavním účelem hloubkové kontroly je ověřit, že faktory udržitelnosti nejsou významně ovlivněny. Třetím krokem je hloubková analýza pozitivního dopadu na cíle udržitelnosti na základě “Triple Top Line”. Cíle dopadu jsou stanoveny pro každou společnost v portfoliu předtím, než partnerství investuje (9 klíčových ukazatelů výkonnosti umožňuje přesné měření výkonnosti).
100 % investic budou tvořit udržitelné investice a portfoliové společnosti budou vybírány (mimo jiné) v následujících odvětvích: Energetika a zdroje, technologie oběhového hospodářství, průmysl a výroba, mobilita a logistika, budovy a infrastruktura. Součástí portfolia budou pouze společnosti s vysoce škálovatelným podnikáním a potenciálem dosáhnout pozitivního, měřitelného dopadu.
GET Fund I GmbH & Co. KG (“GET” eller “Company” eller “Fond”) (LEI: 391200L1QIMCYXK7SD23) kvalifiserer som et finansielt produkt i henhold til artikkel 9 i forordning (EU) 2019/2088 av 27. november 2019 om bærekraft -relaterte opplysningskrav i finanssektoren (“Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” / “SFDR”). Artikkel 9 Fond har et bærekraftig investeringsmål med et sterkt ESG-fokus. GET Fund Management GmbH (“GET Fund Management” eller Manager) (LEI 39120039B5OYSIH2SI67) er forvaltningsselskapet til GET.
Forvalteren og partnerskapet offentliggjør følgende informasjon i samsvar med artikkel 10 SFDR og artikkel 37 til 49 i kommisjonens delegerte forordning (EU) 2022/1288 av 6. april 2022 som supplerer den med Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS).
Selskapets investeringsstrategi tar hensyn til bærekraftsrisiko i sin beslutningsprosess. Selskapet overholder kravet i artikkel 9 SFDR om bærekraftige investeringsmål ved å investere i oppstartsbedrifter som (1) gir et betydelig bidrag til et miljømål, (2) ikke skader miljømessige eller sosiale mål og (3) forfølger gode bedrifter styresett.
Denne strategien implementeres på investeringsnivå gjennom en tre-trinns prosess. Først blir potensielle porteføljeselskaper screenet under hensyntagen til negative eksklusjonslister. Eksklusjonslistene til European Investment Fund (EIF-listen) og KfW Capital, hver enkelt tilpasset visse spesifikasjoner av porteføljeselskapets forretningsmodell, fungerer som grunnlag. I et andre trinn gjennomgås porteføljeselskapets forretningsmodell for eventuelle negative bærekraftseffekter (såkalte «Principal Adverse Impacts» eller «PAIs») ved bruk av såkalte «Principal Adverse Impacts Factors» («PAI Factors»). Hovedformålet med due diligence er å verifisere at bærekraftsfaktorene ikke er vesentlig påvirket. Det tredje trinnet er en dybdeanalyse av den positive effekten på bærekraftsmålene basert på «Triple Top Line». Effektmål settes for hvert porteføljeselskap før partnerskapet investerer (9 nøkkelindikatorer muliggjør nøyaktig resultatmåling).
100 % av investeringene vil være bærekraftige investeringer, og porteføljeselskaper vil bli valgt i følgende sektorer (blant annet): Energi og ressurser, sirkulær økonomi, teknologi, industri og produksjon, mobilitet og logistikk, bygninger og infrastruktur. Kun selskaper med en svært skalerbar virksomhet og potensial til å levere positiv, målbar effekt vil være en del av porteføljen.